“It’s not forgetting that heals. It’s remembering.” ― Amy Greene, Bloodroot

Vanlife: Using Travel as a Source for Healing

When people think about travel, different things come to mind. Some might think of sipping margaritas on the beach and reading books while others think of adventure as they explore new places. While these things are certainly true, we have also found that travel is an incredible tool for healing....

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From Dallas with Love

This week our vanlife adventure took us from the remote country side to the big city! Read this post to find out more about what we are doing here and who we are visiting.

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Vanlife: What We Wish We Knew Before Hitting the Road

We just passed the one-year mark of owning the van and are gearing up to leave again after hunkering down for the winter. As we have been preparing for our upcoming departure, we have spent a lot of time talking about what we have learned since we first said bon...

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We are back!

First, let us say that we have missed you. We have missed hearing from you and sharing our stories with you.Second, we want to say how thankful we are for you. Not too long ago, we were relatively unknown. We worked away on our van in secret – planning and...

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Come on Eileen!

Sometimes things do not go as planned.  Okay… honestly, they hardly ever do – and this week was a perfect example of that.  Our week started on the California coast. We went to a small town called Orick to meet up with some friends. From there, we were going to...

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The Nomads, the Gremlin, and the Hole in the Ground

Life on the road can be lonely. We are constantly moving and constantly changing. Half of the time, I wake up in the middle of the night in a daze, disoriented and unsure of where I am – a perfect stranger in a place where nobody knows my name –...

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The Three Month Check-In

We are three months into our trip and wanted to take some time to do a quick check-in. The last few weeks have had us venturing through the Pacific Northwest chasing beaches, waterfalls, hot springs, and sunshine.  When we set out on this trip, we established rules for ourselves that...

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5 “Must-Read” Books to Inspire Wanderlust

We are currently in the Pacific Northwest!  Unfortunately, this week we do not have many stories to share as we have spent the majority of our time indoors. The air quality in the region is terrible due to forest fires and the sky is black with a thick layer of...

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Finding Our Tribe (In a Van Down by the River)

Everyone has a go-to story. These are the stories that are so incredible, everyone needs to hear about them. For us, that go-to story is about our time in Blankenship.  It all started at a campsite in a small-town north of Helena, Montana. At this point, we had not talked...

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The Top 5 WORST Things About Vanlife

When you think of vanlife, what comes to mind? If you are like me, you might think of freedom, the open road, and constant adventure. But after several months on the road, I have learned that there is a lot to vanlife that people don't talk about. Keep reading to...

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Public Service Announcement

Trash. We produce a lot of it. It is one of those things that we have all become accustomed to generating without questioning how much we are producing or the effects it could have on the environment. For us, we were pretty unaware of how wasteful we could be –...

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Great Expectations (and their consequences)

Anytime someone plans to travel, chances are they have set some kind of expectation. They plan what they are going to do, where they are going to stay, what they are going to see, and even what foods they are going to indulge in. They long for escape and spend...

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“Hello, this is Coddy” I answered with all of the happiness I could muster. “Hi Coddy, this is Sharon with Aspen Grove” a woman responded. “It sounds like you are having a rough day, but let’s make the most of your situation. I really think this is… what is the...

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When Every Day’s a Saturday

What do you do when you no longer have a schedule? There are no workdays and no weekends. Life just kind of is. Time is just as irrelevant as the days of the week… When we are hungry, we eat. When we are tired, we sleep; every day feels like...

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One month and Counting

We did it!We have officially been on the road for more than a month. If you have been following our blog, then you know that the last month has been filled with surprises at every turn, countless teachable moments, and more spectacular views than we can even remember. As a...

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Lessons from the Road… So Far

If you read our last blog post, you may have noticed that we spent a ton of time preparing for our travels. We considered as many scenarios as we could to ensure that we were putting ourselves in the best position possible. This was particularly important for me, Bryon,  because...

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Bad Things Come in Threes… Usually

As the saying goes, bad things come in threes. If that is the case, then we are almost in the clear. In short, it has been an extremely difficult week of vanlife. Our first week left us in the stratosphere after so many highs, but this week brought us back...

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Breaking Free

Learn more about what life was like as we prepared ourselves for vanlife. The week prior to our departure was difficult, but not nearly as difficult as saying goodbye to our friends and family.

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