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The Nomads, the Gremlin, and the Hole in the Ground

Life on the road can be lonely. We are constantly moving and constantly changing. Half of the time, I wake up in the middle of the night in a daze, disoriented and unsure of where I am – a perfect stranger in a place where nobody knows my name – let alone what I am doing.
Most days, our only interactions with people are with attendants at gas stations or grocery store clerks.
So when we were invited to a birthday party outside of Bend, Oregon, we packed up the van and drove three hours to be in attendance.

To fully understand this birthday party, you have to know a little bit about the fiery, tenacious, all-loving party organizer, Sammy.

Ever since Sammy was a little girl, she dreamed of a life on the road. For her, the road symbolized ultimate freedom. It was a place where she could embrace self-discovery and live authentically, a place where she could connect with people from all walks of life, and a place that would challenge her and foster growth and understanding.
At 31, Sammy was finally at a place in life where she was able to adopt a nomadic lifestyle. With her puppy Gremlin at her side, she set off to claim the life she had always wanted.

Here is Sammy, one of the most intriguing, most kind, and most spontaneous people we have met on the road

We met Sammy late one night outside of Glacier National Park in Montana (You can read more about that here) when Gremlin had disappeared from his campsite. We saw Sammy walking on the beach searching for Gremmy. Immediately, we wanted to help, but not knowing Gremmy, we were scared that searching for him would only scare him more. We decided to assist in another way, by offering Sammy a headlamp. Minutes later, Sammy returned the headlamp, and our friendship was forged.

From our first interaction, we knew there was something special about Sammy. She is one of those people who is incredibly ambitious, adventurous, and humble. She is the type of person who you can’t help but love. Her personality and spirit are welcoming, and people are drawn to her. She is a doer and a creator who forms community wherever she goes. She is authentic, inclusive, maternal, and kind. In short, Sammy is the type of person that I strive to be.

As Sammy’s 33rd birthday approached, she set out to celebrate in the most Sammy way possible; by organizing a birthday bash of epic proportions. The theme of the birthday party was inspired by the annual Burning Man Festival and was scheduled to be a 3-day experience in the high desert of Oregon, near a landmark known as The Hole in the Ground. The itinerary for those three days included things like a potluck, yoga, meditation, a dance party with a DJ, and more. It was understood that the goal of this gathering was to embrace community, foster creativity, and create an environment where everyone felt welcome.

We arrived in Bend three days before the party to meet up with friends and immediately knew that we were in for a treat. The whole campground was filled with old friends and acquaintances who were all brought together by Sammy.

The entire campground was buzzing with anticipation as word of the party spread. By the time we left two days later, it seemed as though the whole campground and half of Bend had been invited to the desert for a few days of revelry.

Day 1

Knowing just how stressful party planning can be, Bryon and I decided to travel with Sammy to The Whole in the Ground so that we could offer assistance in any way possible. Several pitstops and an hour’s drive later, we arrived.

We scouted the area and picked a large campsite that was large enough to fit over 20 rigs. Satisfied with the spot, we quickly got to work decorating. Sammy, a designer by trade, took charge. Before long, the barren campsite had been transformed into an oasis.

We erected a flag that someone had brought, created a sculpture using large logs, hula hoops, ribbon, and string, set up a tent that was filled with comfy blankets and pillows to give people a commonplace to relax and escape the sun, and strung lights throughout the entire camp.

As we worked, people began arriving. By the end of the night, there were about 10 rigs circled around the campsite, and dozens of people scurrying around to help in any way they could.

Once we had finished our work, we all collapsed in our chairs. Exhausted from the day’s work, we turned in early to be properly rested for day 2.

Day 2

After a great night’s sleep, everyone was well-rested and ready for a day of activities that started at 11:00 am with yoga and meditation.

I will be honest; I did not participate in yoga. Unfortunately, having 4 bodies living in a van means that we had to pack light, so we only brought one yoga mat.

I took the bullet and decided to save the world from being exposed to my downward dog and let Bryon have that pleasure instead.

Following yoga, which everyone raved about, we had a potluck, and everyone did their own thing. Some people played games like volleyball, badminton, and washers, while others relaxed around camp listening to music and getting some much-needed rest before the big birthday bash that evening.

Once night fell, the camp came to life as more people arrived for the evening’s festivities. People were disappearing into their rigs only to reappear moments later in flashy outfits that would make Freddy Mercury jealous.

Hundreds of glowsticks were introduced into the mix, which we all gravitated to like moths to a flame, popping them and using them to adorn our clothing.

It wasn’t long before the DJ booth was set up and the party was in full swing. People were dancing like nobody was watching, singing like nobody was listening, and laughing like there was no tomorrow.

It was a truly incredible moment with amazing people. It was a place that we could all be ourselves and let our guards down without fear or hesitation; it was a place that was free.
Honestly, it is a place that I have always dreamed of. As a person with a disability, I have grown up keeping my guard up. I know I am different, and I know that everyone can see that as soon as I enter a room. Let me be clear, I do not define myself by my disability – but I know that others, mostly strangers, define me by it. So, to be in a place full of unconditional acceptance, love and appreciation was an amazing breath of fresh air, and I know that I am not the only one who felt that way.
In that spirit, the party continued until the wee hours of the morning until one by one, we all went to bed for some much-deserved sleep.

Day 3

In the wake of the party came day three. We woke up and lazed about throughout the day. The camp overflowed with the sounds of music, conversation, and laughter. The day passed quickly and before we knew it, nightfall had come.

Day 4

We all woke up early and began tearing down camp. Slowly, our decorations were placed back in their boxes, lights were wrapped up, and the area was carefully combed to ensure that no trace was left of our camping (We all love nature and take responsibility for doing our part to preserve it).
By 11:00 am, our once lively camp had been reclaimed by nature. The only evidence that we had been there was a few sets of tire tracks in the sand.
Bryon and I set off and drove west a few hours to some natural hot springs – but that is a story for another week.

This Post Has One Comment

  1. Sammy

    Best story everrrrrrr!!!!!!!! 🎉💜✨👽

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